Banner: Wasserburgen-Route
Information for the Ingress banner Wasserburgen-Route At Ingress Mosaik: Table of Contents Accessibility, Know restrictions / Corona update About the banner Credits Video previews Cheat sheet/passphrase answers Picture credits Accessibility Not every place can by easily reached by physically impaired agents (barrierefrei), but most of them. Not every place is open 24/7 - but when you to the banner at normal daytime you should get in reach of every portal. Known restrictons Corona update April 2020: As a general rule we as banner creators recommend to stay at home in these special times. While most portals are still reachable, some might be not due to legal restrictions. We cannot confirm from remote whether the places just stopped their touristic program or locked out the public. And we all know that most castles are built to do this in an excellent way. But if you still want to...